• John Martin Gertes

    Managing Director/President

    Visionary. Collaborator. Big heart.

    JM is the managing director of Beyond Events. He wants to simply be described by the words above.

    Quite a contrast to his humility, JM's work ethic and discipline brought him as far as more than a decade in the industry. As one of the founders of Beyond Events, the team takes after his example in maintaining the utmost quality of client-servicing day in and day out. Building lasting relationships with clients is as important to him as imparting every knowledge to his subordinates.

    His steadfast leadership is one of the things that glues the organization together.


    Mark is a wide-eyed dreamer, a firefly chaser, a hair-brush singer, and a dashboard drummer.

    Raised in both sides of the world, this third culture xennial developed his critical thinking by being exposed to an exceptional volume and variety of cultural influences and references in his formative years. His multi-cultural background makes him understand global brands, their target markets, and international trends and sentiments on an interpersonal level. In 2010, along with three close friends, he co-pioneered Beyond Events Manila, a full-service brand experience platform which then specialized in live events, activations, and retail transformation. His personal experience with various brands, industries, and touchpoints helped grow the business to where it is today and is a testament to his understanding of the importance of direct and clear-cut communication and design in acquiring tangible business objectives.

    With a career spanning almost two decades in building brands across the archipelago, this foodie and animal lover is one of the industry’s experienced marketing communications specialists. This Thomasian has skills in a breadth of disciplines. A storyteller by trade, this rebel heart he has spent nineteen years cultivating his creative skillset. With a wealth of experience in theater, radio, television, live events, advertising, design, sales, and marketing, he truly has a unique strength of proficiency in the world of creative storytelling. With a client portfolio boasting some of the best (and award-winning) campaigns, Mark is at the helm of the creatives department of the company.

    Mark’s approach is quite simple. He believes in omitting the superfluous to present the essential in the best possible advantage. A natural perfectionist, this Virgo can see beyond the brand’s identity to a more holistic, broader picture thinking. His brand of storytelling involves the fusion of research and market insights, a balance between impactful design and no-nonsense literature, an amalgamation of digital and cultural trends, and progressive thinking. What makes his work out of the ordinary is his ability to cut through the noise, break norms, and predict trends. His portfolio is a testament to his diligent efforts in future-proofing tomorrow.


    Will works closely with directors and producers for optimum output in every show and event production.

    He organizes and facilitates talent transactions from paper to actual interviews, casting calls, technical run-throughs, to rehearsals. His presence gives more confidence to the whole production team.

    With great sense of style and being a graduate of fashion design, he is responsible for curating wardrobe for fashion events, costume design, and campaign shoots for multinational brands.

    His love for aesthetics and great food are just few of the things that give fire to his passion. He is a proud fur dad and also a plant parent to an ever-growing botanical collection.


    Liezl is one of the first members to join Beyond Events. She keeps the whole organization intact, making sure that each department functions at maximum potential. Backed with years of experience, She is equipped with the knowledge and solutions to tackle any task or requirement for various events, activations, and the like.

    When not at work, Liezl is fond of good food, good company, soulful music, and upbeat dancing. She values her time at home with her son, Alfonso, bonding over movies, playing cards, and ice cream.


    Benjo handles both current and new accounts.

    He cascades information, concerns, and solutions between clients and the team and executes from pre-production to event proper to post-production. With his background on business administration, he is able to build costings and focus on overall management of deliverables apart from his other tasks for each project.

    Benjo enjoys music, spending time with his family, friends, and officemates, most especially food and beverages.


    Anjo’s main role is to keep the schedule for the creative team on-point and you can count on him to keep every design detail in check. His degree in Fine Arts and Design, Major in Advertising from University of Santo Tomas showed him the blueprints of the trade. He uses these to revitalize the aesthetic aspect of each project he handles.

    Follow him on Instagram if you’re a fan of aesthetic travel photos, unique eats, and if you’re a fan of art in general.


    Nelly is in charge of overseeing and monitoring all financial transactions of the company.

    A graduate of accountancy, Nelly is responsible for preparing financial reports, valuations, and forecasting for the company's development and growth.

    She currently resides in one of the towns of Rizal with her family. During the weekends, she reads and researches about money-making ventures; that is, if she's not doing online shopping for the latest fashion trends and toys for her son, KD.


    Kresta is not your usual HR officer. She takes her role a notch further by offering ideas and support whenever the team needs it. She is just the kind of person perfect for the task of making sure everyone in the organization gets the assistance they need and that the company protocols are followed.

    As a friend and colleague, Kresta can be a reliable confidant. As a mother herself, she treats everyone around her with a warmth that comes from being part of a family.


    Archie is the team’s ever trustworthy on-ground personnel. Being among the first to join the team when Beyond Events started, his experience in the industry grew along with the company’s.

    He spends his free time roaming around with his prized possession, his scooter bike.


    Aldwin Omampo